Our kid reviews are back! This time we have a review for Pokémon Y from Seamus!

This review is all about Pokémon Y. It is one of the Kalos region games as opposed to the more recent Sun and Moon. I am here to drop-kick back to X&Y.

Pokémon Y is the partner to Pokémon X, while being partners it’s surprising how they compare. But they are similar enough that you can get the same tech specs for X so don’t worry if you bought it and are reading this. The only real differences are the Legendary Pokémon and certain mega evolutions. Both Charizard and Mewtwo mega-evolve differently cross game. But, mega stones can be traded from game to game so you can easily get the opposite mega in your game. The legendary is the real determining factor. But again you can trade (but who on earth would trade their legendary even for another legendary? You probably picked the game because you like the legendary better). But that’s just me talking on and on. (I went with Y because my awesome uncle gave it to me as a gift. I had no choice in the matter but Y is cooler in my opinion and surprises are great so thank you so much uncle Pete!) I just love Yvetal.

I played this on a 3Ds and I feel that Nintendo didn’t take advantage of the 3D factor as much as they could have. If you only had a 2Ds you wouldn’t be missing much at all. They only put it in on battles which is only half of the game. The story makes up for that though going far from just battle gyms as you spend good amounts of time battling team flare. I won’t give much away on that but they are an evil organization you must stop. You also get to travel with four other trainers two of which are you next door neighbors. They are Shauna, Serana, Tierno, and Trevor.

This game is a wonderful play with plot twists, puzzles, action, and awesome exploration. Everything a game needs!

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By Stephen Duetzmann

Editor in Chief Founder/EiC EngagedFamilyGaming.com Blogger, Podcaster, Video Host RE: games that families can play together. Editor@engagedfamilygaming.com

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