Nintendo did NOT bring The Legend of Zelda for Wii U to E3 as they had promised. They did, however bring a pair of 3DS Legend of Zelda games to help hold us over until we get more information: The Legend of Zelda: Tri-force Heroes and Hyrule Warriors Legends.

Hyrule Warriors Legends is a 3DS re-imagining of the intense action gameplay of the surprise Wii U hit from 2014:Hyrule Warriors. It is being developed by the same team as the original and looks like it will be just as crazy. This is by no means a traditional Legend of Zelda game, but it makes up for it by taking characters that we have loved for decades and letting us see what they could do with insane over the top powers.

The 3DS is not nearly as powerful of a machine as the Wii U so Nintendo has had to make some visual changes. As you can see from the trailer they have matched the cartoonish art style that was used for Super Smash Bros. for 3DS including the distinct dark outlines. I know that our house finds this to be an appealing look so here is hoping that they will use it for more games in the future.

The “Legends” added to the name helps to signify that they will be using all of the same characters from the Hyrule Warriors game for Wii U but will also be adding two characters to the game from Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. Even better? Those characters will also be playable in the Wii U version.

It is scheduled for release during Winter 2015, but we don’t have a final release date yet. I’m sure that will be coming soon though as we get closer.

Keep your eyes on Engaged Family Gaming for updates as the release comes closer!

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By Stephen Duetzmann

Editor in Chief Founder/EiC Blogger, Podcaster, Video Host RE: games that families can play together.

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