Episode 122: Tips For Throwing a Board Game Party!

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Hello and Welcome to Engage!: A Family Gaming Podcast! This is episode 121. This week we are talking video games. Host: Stephen Duetzmann @EFGaming Co-Host: Jenna Duetzmann Around the Horn! Santorini The Monster Match Game Stuffed Fables Kickstarter Round-up! Robin Hood and the Merry Men Pocket Subs The Swordcrafter Topic! Our tips on how to have […]

Episode 82 Video Games: When’s Mahvel?

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

This week Stephen and Michael have a fireside chat about video games. Some of the topics they cover are: Legend of Zelda DLC Heroes of the Storm 2.0 Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Thanks for listening! terry crews steroids

Episode 81 Board Games: The Tabletop Day Extravaganza!

This week Stephen and Jenna sit down to talk about a bunch of the games they played on International Tabletop Day 2017! They talk about Dragon Valley, Problem Picnic: Attack of the Ants, Evolution: The Beginning, and Dragoon. They also interviewed their oldest son about the Dragoon Exansion! Game me of the Week: Hoagie!!! KANN […]

Episode 80: Catching Up On Video Game News

This week Stephen and Michael (welcome back!) get together to talk about Star Wars Battlefront 2, catch up on what happened during the last Nintendo Direct, and discuss the NES classic’s untimely demise. buy anavar deca vs dbol

Episode 78 Board Games: What is an Abstract Strategy Game?

This week Stephen and Jenna come to the table track about Indigo and Spellcaster, Stephen ranted about tthe new Jumanji movie, and then they talked about abstract strategy games like Tak, Mancala, and Onitama. muskelkater gut oder schlecht inmotion hosting pablo llopis

Episode 77 Video Games: An Interview with Dr. Rachel Kowert, PhD!

This week Stephen sits down with author, gamer, games researcher, and Mom Dr. Rachel Kowert, PhD to talk about her book “A Parent’s Guide To Video Games.” If you’ve ever wanted to hear a podcast where two strangers become bffs in an hour and a half… this is the episode for you. eminence labs reviews

Episode 74: Our First HUGE Board Game Day

Hello and Welcome to Engage!: A Family Gaming Podcast! This is episode 74 and we’re talking about board games. Stephen and Jenna settle down this week for a fireside chat to talk about their very first HUGE board game day. My name is Stephen Duetzmann: Editor and Chief of EFG Gaming. You can reach out […]

Episode 73: Waiting for the Switch… Patiently-ish.


Hello and Welcome to Engage!: A Family Gaming Podcast! This is episode 73. This week we are talking about video games. Stephen, Jonathan, and special guest Nicole Tanner (the Host of Gaming with the Moms) are here to talk bout the Nintendo Switch one last time before it releases. My name is Stephen Duetzmann: Editor […]

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