Must-Read Books for Middle Grade and YA Fans of Dungeons & Dragons

Playing tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) with tweens and teens is about more than just rolling dice and casting spells—it’s ideal for building social and emotional skills! These games are all about working as a team, solving problems together, and creative thinking. Kids who play TTRPGs are actively practicing collaboration, empathy, and decision-making. As they adventure […]
Awesome Board Games that Teach Reading and Language Skills!

As parents we are familiar with the world of edutainment. We have endless choices of games and programs that are games with a focus on learning. A free site that gets used in my classroom is That said, how do we know what is the best choice for our children? Do these games and programs […]
Board Game Review: King of Tokyo

Attacking Aliens, Rampaging Lizards, Giant Robots, Mutant Bugs, and Ferocious Gorillas: this game has them all! King of Tokyo is a European style game that combines a board game, a dice game and a card game. You play as one of the aforementioned monsters whose main goals are to destroy Tokyo and battle other monsters in […]
Our Experiences Sharing an Island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

By now you’ve probably seen a lot of information and reviews about Nintendo’s latest Animal Crossing game. What you may not have seen, however, is a detailed description of the game experience from the perspective of a secondary player on a shared island. Read below for more information on our experiences with island sharing. As […]
Get Up, Get Active, and GO! – A Parent’s Guide to Pokémon Go!

Pokémon Go is taking the world by storm. It was developed in partnership between Niantic (The people behind the augmented reality game Ingress) and Gamefreak (The people who make Pokémon video games). When it was announced a year ago it had a lot of potential. Pokémon is a well loved brand that is popular now AND old […]
Video Game Preview: Overwatch
Overwatch is an upcoming multiplayer first-person shooter created by Blizzard Entertainment. The game is scheduled to be released on May 24, 2016. It will be available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. Blizzard has announced that they will be supporting the game post launch with additional characters as DLC at no additional cost. Overwatch is […]
Board Game Review: Lost Cities – The Board Game
Kosmos Games Age Rating: 10 & Up Players: 2- 4 Timeframe: 30 – 60 Minutes MSRP: $39.99 Style: Adventure Strategy Game/Card Management The research teams are outfitted and ready to embark on their adventures to find five forgotten cities. Who will lead the way to fantastic discoveries? Lead your team of explorers on up to […]
Board Game Review: Too Many Monkeys
Publisher: Gamewright Genre: Card Game Players: 2-6 Ages: 6 & Up Time: 20 minutes MSRP: $10.99 COMPETITIVE Too Many Monkeys: A Totally Bananas Card Game consists of 55 cards, a rules pamphlet, and a sturdy cardboard box. This playful, lively game is designed to appeal to young gamers and parents alike. It is a fast paced, simple game […]
Board Game Review: Dodge Dice
Publisher: Gamewright Genre: Dice Game Players: 2-6 Ages: 8 & Up Time: 15 minutes MSRP: $10.99 Dodge Dice consists of 10 dice (1 penalty, 1 action, 8 dodge), 18 purple skip chips, and a rules pamphlet. This fast moving, highly competitive, push your luck dice game is a great ice breaker or starter game for your […]
Board Game Review – Last Letter
Publisher: ThinkFun Genre: Card Based Word Game/Party Game Players: 2 or more Ages: 8 to Adult Time: 5 minutes MSRP: $12.99 Last Letter consists of a sturdy box holding 61 uniquely illustrated cards and a rules booklet. The game will reinforce quick thinking, visual discrimination, imagination, and creativity. Gameplay is very straightforward. The object is to […]