Mortal Kombat 12! Everything Parents Need to Know!

The text "Mortal Kombat 12 - everything-parents-need-to-know"-including the mortal kombat logo on the right hand side.

Mortal Kombat 12 is coming soon and it is going to be everywhere. It may not garner the national attention of a game like Grand Theft Auto 6, but it is a high enough profile that everyone who is into games will be aware of it (especially our kids). There will be clips of the violence all over social media, and streamers will be playing it like mad. This is going to influence a lot of kids (maybe even your own) to ask for it. Below is all the information we have about it so far so you can make an informed decision about whether or not to let your kids play.

Is Mortal Kombat 11 Ok For Kids?

Mortal Kombat 11, from NetherRealm Studios has been formally unveiled during a live stream event. I can’t really show a single frame of the show, but if you are a curious parent you can go to their YouTube page for the announcement trailer. I don’t know how OFTEN it will come up, but here is […]

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