That sounds pretty tricky, doesn’t it? When it comes to video games, it’s actually not. Teenagers love video games, and we want to make sure their voice is a part of our EFG world.

Here at EFG, we know there are numerous negative stories about teens and games. We’ve heard them all. And, while some of them may have merit, we’re going to debunk the myth that games are all bad for teens. We will discuss both the positive and negative aspects of gaming and teenagers with the goal of making you, the parents, have an active role in your child’s gaming choices. We will help you ENGAGE in gaming with your teen.

Not all of the games we discuss will be rated E, family friendly games or T for Teen games. Your teen is mature and has had a lot of real world experience. That experience will definitely lead to interest in games with mature themes and content. We will discuss some of those games and help your family learn to talk about the content in games with them.

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By Stephen Duetzmann

Editor in Chief Founder/EiC Blogger, Podcaster, Video Host RE: games that families can play together.

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