Yoshiʼs New Island Review
Publisher: Nintendo ESRB: E Overall Review Yoshi was originally released as a sidekick to Mario in Super Mario World for the SNES. Since then he has become a pillar of the Nintendo world. His first run as the main character in a game was in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island. This game was released […]
Shovel Knight Review
Yacht Club GamesReviewed for WiiU (Also on 3DS and PC)Rated E for Everyone Release Date: 06/26/2014 Overall Review Many of us have been playing games for more than twenty years. There are a lot of games in the rearview mirror for us. So many, in fact, that we just don’t remember how they actually played. […]
Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Review
Nintendo ESRB – E for everyone Reviewed on 3DS Overall Review: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was released on the SNES and is regarded by many as one of the best games in the franchise. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (LBW) is a 3DS sequel that is so similar to the […]
Super Mario 3D World Review
Nintendo ESRB – E Reviewed on WiiU Editor’s note: We know that this isn’t a particularly new game. We have a back log of reviews that were written, but not published during our hiatus over the holidays. So we’re publishing them now! Overall Review: Super Mario 3D World is pure multiplayer perfection. Mario games have included […]
Turbo: Super Stunt Squad Review

D3 Publisher of AmericaRated E for EveryoneReleased 07/15/2013 Review based on PS3 version (Available for Xbox 360, WiiU, 3DS, Wii, DS) Overall Review: Games based on kid’s movies get a bad rap. They are never given the time in development to really grow and flourish into something original. As a result, most developers just pick […]