Understanding Gacha – A Parent’s Guide

In our journey to understand what captures our kids’ attention in the digital world, today we’re exploring the concept of “Gacha.” Originating from Japan, this term has become increasingly relevant in the realm of video games and online entertainment. But, where does this term come from, and what does it mean for our children? The […]
Get Up, Get Active, and GO! – A Parent’s Guide to Pokémon Go!

Pokémon Go is taking the world by storm. It was developed in partnership between Niantic (The people behind the augmented reality game Ingress) and Gamefreak (The people who make Pokémon video games). When it was announced a year ago it had a lot of potential. Pokémon is a well loved brand that is popular now AND old […]
Pokemon Go Release Window Announced!

Nintendo held a Q & A for Pokemon Go at the start of their second Treehouse Live @ E3 event. The panel was loaded with people from Nintendo, Gamefreak, Niantic, and even a few of the more active beta testers. The panel lasted for about an hour, where they went over some of the interesting […]