Game the Grime Away!
By: Kelly Allard, staff writer Editor’s note: We’re trying something new this week with a bit of an audience participation! Kelly will be monitoring the comments and responding. I’ll update the original article over time to include all of your awesome suggestions! Lets create an awesome tool for parents everywhere! – Stephen Normally, I […]
How to Make A Real Life Angry Birds Game!

By: Jenna Duetzmann, staff writer I mentioned a fun summer craft project designed to bring games to life in an earlier Mommy Monday article. Several people asked me about how I built a real life Angry birds game so I thought I would publish some instructions! Note: If you somehow aren’t familiar with Angry Birds […]
Life’s a Game!
By: Kelly Allard I normally like to write about teaching through games, and the various lessons that can be found in the games you can play with your child. There are times, however, when games aren’t handy and you find yourself with a very bored child who is less than enthused to be “wasting […]
Dispelling the Myths: Video Games and Educational Value
By: Jenna Duetzmann, staff writer According to mainstream media, screen time and video games are the root of all evil. Computer and video games turn average children into monsters. Computer and video games are as addicting as drugs and alcohol. Computer and video games will rot your child’s brain. And of course, these media outlets […]
Teaching Your Child Math Using Tabletop Roleplaying Games

By: Kelly Allard Way back when I was young and sans kids, my friends and I would stay up until the wee hours of the night doing nothing but table-top gaming. Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Vampire the Masquerade… basically whatever we could get our hands on that went well with a 10-pack of […]
Making The Most of Your Summer
Mommy Monday! By: Jenna Duetzmann “Summer is here. Yay! No school, no homework, no sports! We can do anything we want!” Did you hear something similar from your kids a few weeks ago? Did they have EPIC plans like Phineas & Ferb at the beginning of the summer? Did all of those epic plans get […]
Toddlers and Games: Building Blocks to Learning!
Editor’s note: Mondays from here on out are going to be “Gamer Mom Mondays.” Check back every week for some fresh perspective and advice from moms who love to play games with their kids. First up: Kelly Allard. By: Kelly Allard, Staff Writer Being a gamer mom of a preschooler, I’ve spent a lot […]