Board Game Review: Sushi Go!

Sushi Go with Sushi Dish

Game Overview In the fast-paced world of a sushi chef, you must be the most creative and the fastest of all to be the best! Will you serve Nigiri with Wasabi, or create Maki rolls in quantities never before imagined?  Did you remember to serve dessert?  Find out if you will be the best in […]

Board Game Review: Loot

By: Kelly Allard Gamewright 2-8 Players Family 20+ Minutes $10.99 COMPETITIVE As the dark clouds masked the azure sky belying the intention of  brewing a powerful storm.  A greater threat looms for a fleet of merchant vessels than the choppy seas and swirling winds.  In the distance, a sail appears emblazoned with the most terrifying of sights as the menacing, eyeless […]

Board Game Review – Castle Panic

Fireside Games 1 – 6 Players Ages 10+ 60+ Minutes COOPERATIVE Surrounded by a lush and dangerous forest lies your keep.  A castle like no other (since it is yours) is the envy of all.  Especially the besieging armies of Goblins, Trolls and Orcs! Can your Archers, Knights and Swordsmen defend your keep from these […]

Guitar Hero Live Hands-On Impressions!

Activision held an event at the Best Buy Theater in NYC today to give a small group of reporters a first hand look at Guitar Hero Live and Engaged Family Gaming was lucky enough to get an invite! I represented EFG at the event and got a LOT of hands on time with the game. There were […]

Skylanders: Trap Team a Quick and Dirty Buyer’s Guide

So, if you are like me, you have a child who is obsessed with Skylanders, but you have never actually played the game. Due to this complete lack of playing, you might not understand it when you get lectured for the 50th time on why – despite his coolness – Lob Star was a waste […]

How Do I Tell All These Skylanders Apart?

Skylanders was responsible for the birth of the toys to life genre. Kids everywhere asked their parents, Santa, or anyone else who might listen to help them get in on the action. There were six games in the series  and dozens of figures. It can be VERY difficult to tell them apart. This is especially […]

An Open Letter to the Kaos Trap

Dear Kaos Trap, You elude me.  I follow sites and refresh Amazon daily, hoping to encounter your translucent black countenance, and yet you continue to mock me. I can almost hear your odd cadence as you call me “Sky-loser” while I enter yet another Target, disappointed at the empty space meant for you. I swim through endless piles of […]

Indiegogo Board Game Review – Three Sticks

Kitki 2-4 Players Family 30+ Minutes COMPETITIVE A long time ago, when I was a child myself, tic-tac-toe was an endless stream of winless frames. My mother showed me the most amazing game that could ever be played on the back of a restaurant placemat. She began by using a pen she kept in her […]

Super Tooth to be published by Gamewright in 2015!

In September, backers of the Super Tooth Kickstarter received their games and began playing in the prehistoric world of the dinosaurs.   As backers we were SUPER excited to get to play! Who wouldn’t love to play a game matching cartoon dinosaurs? Of course, if you weren’t among the 239 backers for this project, you’d have to […]

Sushi Go! Soy Sauce Promo Pack

I don’t know about you, but since my family first played Gamewright’s Sushi Go! it’s been on our list of favorite games! Now, it’s about to get even more interesting! In celebration of the game’s success in partnering with publishers in 6 countries, Gamewright is giving players a new challenge. In order to satisfy all […]

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