
Should Your Family Buy a Nintendo Switch?

The Nintendo Switch event is behind us and the launch is imminent. We find ourselves in the quiet days where the die hard fans have already pre-ordered their Switch, and everyone else is left to make their decision. This makes now the perfect time to think objectively about what the device is, and whether or not is a good idea for your family to think about purchasing one.

It may seem odd for me to encourage people to think about “what the device is” considering Nintendo spent an hour showing us what it is. But, the Switch is a device that is hasn’t had any peers yet. That makes it worthy topic of discussion.

Nintendo is doing their very best to market the Switch as a home console that has the added functionality of being taken on the go. This is accurate. But, positioning it that way forces the comparisons to be made. The Switch simply doesn’t have the hardware power that the PS4 and Xbox One do. These kinds of comparisons don’t serve the Switch well.

Instead, I think it makes more sense to treat the Switch like a handheld device. The New 3DS XL runs for about $200 US right now. This makes the purchase price for the Switch only $100 more. That may sound like a high price. But,  when you consider the improved graphics, the home console quality games, and the ability to dock it and play on your TV it isn’t all that bad. I would make that trade any day of the week.

Comparing specs and costs is all well and good, but the real reason that I am recommending the Switch is the games. Hardcore gamers might lament the relatively small lineup of games compared to other console launches in the past. But, for families who don’t buy a new video game every other week the Switch lineup for 2017 and beyond is more than strong enough.

The system launches with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which could be one of the best games of the year. It also has a steady stream of games releasing by the end of the year. That list includes games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, and a new 3D Super Mario Brothers game.

Even more? This is a list of the currently announced titles. Who knows what will be announced between now and the end of the year.

Conclusion… For Now

At the end of it all, I think that the Nintendo Switch is a worthy purchase for Nintendo fans. It is a very cool device that includes unprecedented technology. That said, I m sure there are people who may have doubts. EFG will be presenting our impressions starting on release day on March 3rd and throughout the weekend.

Stay tuned for more information about the Switch as we get closer!

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