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The Mouse from Moss Is Learning ASL (And Everyone Loves it!)

Richard Lico, the lead animator for Moss, has revealed on Twitter that he is teaching his little mouse friend ASL as part of the upcoming PSVR game Moss. Ok. I suppose “Teach” is a strong word, but he is using ASL when animating the mouse.

We already raved about this one when we got a chance to play it at E3 2017. Moss is a third person action adventure game that uses the PSVR headset in an interesting way. Each stage in the game is essentially a 3D diorama. Players control Quill (the mouse) and explore the environments. Quill can see you as a benevolent spirit, but she can’t speak. In previous versions of the game, all she could do was squeak and gesticulate. That’s all going away now.

Lico stated in an interview with Kotaku that he had the idea to animate Quill speaking using ASL on a whim, and that it only took a few days to get some of the basics down and make a brief animation. He tweeted it out to a few hundred people who already followed him and quickly wracked up 10s of thousands of likes. Which doesn’t really surprise me considering how cool it is. Take a look below. Tell me that isn’t super cute!

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