Skylanders Superchargers Racing for Nintendo Wii and 3DS

Skylanders Superchargers has some impressive visuals. They are so impressive, in fact, that the Nintendo Wii and the 3DS are just plain out of the question as far as ports of the main game. This year the 3DS and Wii versions will be a completely different game experience than the main game. Activision has gone so far as to call them “complimentary experiences.”

Skylanders Superchargers Racing will release for the Wii and the 3DS and is a “dedicated racing combat game.” Gameplay video is available online and it appears to be VERY similar to games like Sonic and Sega All -Stars Racing Transformed. It includes a large number of race tracks that all have power-ups, hazards, boosts, etc.

It will be interesting to see how well these games sell considering how different they are from the standard Skylanders experience. I could see it going one of two ways.

  1. They might sell BETTER since some families will buy both just to get the racing game. (Keep in mind that the Wii U is backwards compatible and will play the Wii version.)
  2. The games might tank because parents won’t want to take a chance on a different type of Skylanders experience.

Where do you fall? Sound off in the comments!

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