Hello and Welcome to Engage!: A Family Gaming Podcast! This is episode 71. This week we are talking about video games with our special guests Executive Editor Susan Arendt and Senior Social Editor Anthony John Agnello from Games Radar!
My name is Stephen Duetzmann: Editor and Chief of Engaged Family Gaming. You can reach out to us via our community page at www.EFGgaming.com/community. You can also reach out us via our Twitter: @EFGgaming, and our new email address: EFGpodcast@engagedfamilygaming.com. I am also a co-host of the Gaming with Mom’s Podcast and a contributing writer to Pixelkin.
Around the Horn:
Pocket Card Jockeys
Resident Evil 7
Dragon Quest 8: Journey of the Cursed King
Take This is a charity focused on building awareness around mental illness. They are running an Indiegogo campaign right now to help them bring their AFK Rooms to as many conventions as possible. Please consider donating here.
Finally, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and support us on Patreon. As always: Thanks for listening to Engage!: A Family Gaming Podcast.
And Remember: Get Your Family Game On!
Below are all of our website and social links. If the links appear broken, then go to the social media site and search for Engaged Family Gaming. You’ll find us! Thank you!