
5 Wii U Games that need Deluxe Editions ASAP!

It is readily apparent at this point that every halfway decent Wii U game is going to be give a “Deluxe” version on the Switch at some point within the next few years. We already have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and the Pokemon Company has announced Pokken Tournament DX. That got me thinking about all the great Wii U gamers that died on the vine on the Wii U. E3 2017 has passed without anymore announcements, but take a look below for a list of five Wii U games that need Deluxe versions ASAP.

Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D World

One of the highlights of the Switch is its ability to handle multiplayer gaming on the go. Each Switch comes with two controllers so local cooperative play is a possibility for everyone who owns the system. That makes bringing  Super Mario 3D World to the Switch a very smart call for Nintendo.

Super Mario 3D World is, without question, the best multiplayer Super Mario Bros. game ever made. This makes it a natural fit for a console that allows for multiplayer gaming everywhere it goes.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Mega Man fighting Fox Mcloud in Super Smash Bros for the WiiU and 3DS

This one is an absolute lock. No need for wishful thinking. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U being ported to the Switch is an inevitability; it really just a matter of time.

Super Smash Bros. is one of Nintendo’s most popular franchises so it only makes sense that they would bring it over to the Switch at some point. It could even be that the only reason they haven’t announced it is because they want to let Arms breath a bit before they announce another fighting game.

It doesn’t hurt that it would also be very easy to give Smash the Deluxe treatment. Nintendo could include all of the DLC from the Wii U version for an insane value. It wouldn’t hurt to throw in another character, but the roster is already massive enough.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker started as an interesting set of levels in Super Mario 3D World. Nintendo was so happy with how those levels turned out that they made a whole game out of it. People had mixed reactions with this game, but I thought it was, quietly, one of the best games the Wii U had to offer. This would be a smart port for Nintendo.

I don’t think this would be the flashiest announcement they could make, but it would go a long way towards providing diversity in their game library on the Switch.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE

Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE holds two distinctions. 1. It has the weirdest name of any game published on the Wii U. 2. It is the best RPG published on the system as well.  It was a niche title released on a niche system so it had a very constrained audience. Mirage Sessions was a fascinating game that combined the stylish design of Shin Megami Tensei with the fantasy flare of the Fire Emblem series.

RPGs feel great on handheld consoles like the Switch because they give you more opportunities to grind and build up characters. This is a no brainer.

Super Mario Maker


Super Mario Maker had its issues. The biggest among them being that it was very difficult to find good levels. Re-launching the game on the Switch would give Nintendo an opportunity to fix the discoverability problem.

The only real problem with bring Super Mario Maker to the Switch is that it would be difficult to design levels and test them on the big screen. That’s a small concern though as you would still be able to both create and test while in handheld or tabletop mode.


What do you think?  Do you have any Wii U favorites that you think should get Deluxe versions? Sound off in the comments!

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