Video Game Definition of the Week: Fighting Games

Every week the EFG staff will be defining a gaming term that is either confusing or ill-defined. Please leave a comment with any terms you find confusing and we will try to include them in future editions! The gaming definition this week is a series of terms that is applicable to video games: Fighting Games Fighting games […]

Board Game Definition of the Week: Meeple

Every week the EFG staff will be defining a gaming term that is either confusing or ill-defined. Please leave a comment with any terms you are confused by and we will try to include them in future editions! The gaming definition this week is a term that is applicable to board games: Meeple Meeple refers […]

Video Game Definition of the Week: Battle Pass

Every week the EFG staff will be defining a gaming term that is either confusing or ill-defined. Please leave a comment with any terms you are confused by and we will try to include them in future editions! The gaming definition this week is a term that is applicable to video games: Battle Pass A […]

Video Game Definition of the Week: Metroidvania

Every week the EFG staff will be defining a gaming term that is either confusing or ill-defined. Please leave a comment with any terms you are confused by and we will try to include them in future editions! The gaming definition this week is a term that is applicable to video games: Metroidvania Metroidvania is […]

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