Math 4 Love 2-4 Players Ages 10+ 15+ Minutes (Highly dependent on skill) COMPETITIVE/KICKSTARTER
Racing into a growing spiral, faster and faster as the magnitude increases monotonically. Decahedrons, your only ally to your nigh indivisible goal, the Prime goal, one-hundred-and-one.
Prime Climb is a game of decision-making and strategy that has you competing with your opponents to get your pawns to the safety of the board’s final number. As if it were the progeny of Sorry! and Chutes and Ladders, Prime Climb employs both the sequential numeric board, a single occupant mechanic (where you might be compelled to say “Sorry!”) and a “Home base”-esque aspect for the space labeled 101. Prime Climb utilizes all of the simplicity of these classic games, but it offers far more depth!
The first main difference is the dice, Prime Climb shirks the standard six-sided be-pipped cubes we are all so familiar with in exchange for two ten-sided dice. These dice are used to move around the board and can be added, subtracted, multiplied or divided against the number a pawn currently occupies. Since each die is counted singly and can apply to either of your two pawns, turns can take some time as children mathematically plot the best next move. (Make sure to be patient!)
Doubles also provide a twist, when two identical numbers are rolled, players have four copies of that number to use on their turn! Roll two 9’s, you can take one pawn to 81 from 0, and the other to 18, and so on. The single occupier rule also applies to your own pawns, so it’s worth remembering especially in this case.
The biggest difference is the board, it uses six different space colors (seven if you count black at the 0, or starting space). Grey, orange, green, blue, purple, and red adorn a black board arranged in an Archimedean Spiral, however if you were looking for a Candy Land-esque repetition you are in for a surprise!
Prime Climb uses these colors to represent the first of the early primes. Orange represents 2 and all factors of 2 that follow have an orange segment in their space. So, four would be split with two (2×2) orange halves. Three is green, so the six space (3×2) is half-orange, half-green, and so on! Red spaces are reserved for primes, and as numbers increase to have higher magnitude prime factors, those numbers printed in the red space of the factor. Primes have the added bonus of allowing you to draw a card that adds some additional effect to your turn (or a future turn).
That’s right, Prime Climb uses color to represent prime factorization! This innovative method of teaching children how to multiply and divide allows even young minds to engage in learning via pattern recognition.
To test out the idea that this could work with a younger child, I played with my four-year-old daughter, who loves patterns and can only add and subtract numbers up to 10. After studying the board and explaining to her how it worked, she invented her own basic game — she decided to determine the factors of the numbers in her fortune cookie (You know, those 6 lucky numbers that are printed under the Chinese word for Shoe).
She was able to follow the spiral, and identify all of the factors of each of the numbers (though I’ll admit that the first three were 7,19, and 43 so that did make it easier)! When we played the game we had to assist her with determining where she should move, since the decision-making process with two pawns is far harder than you’d expect once you’ve made it to the larger numbers! But we were able to show her where she could move by teaching her to look for the colors!
As an example, let’s say you were on 6, it has factors of 2 (orange) and 3 (green), and you rolled a 7 (purple). To determine where 7 would take you if you multiplied, you just need to find the first space that has three segments in orange, green & purple which is 42, the product of 6 x 7!
It takes patience to play it to a younger audience, but it is definitely a possibility to help introduce the artistry of mathematics to a child before they learn it as rote memorization and “plug and chug” problem-solving.
All-in-all Prime Climb is a fantastic family game for the mathematically inclined and for those who like fun. I was lucky enough to get a print-and-play review copy to check out while it runs on Kickstarter, and you could too! The print and play runs $15 and comes with a matching multiplication table and hundreds chart, for the full game experience you can back at the $35 level and get those same printable files!
Prime Climb is fully funded and on their way to some great stretch goals! Check them out before the campaign ends June 6th!
Looking for more games and math? Check out more articles here!
Looks like the kids are having fun, and are learning all at the same time..
Any game that involves learning is always approved by me!
I’ve never been a math person, but I would totally play a math-related game. I like that rolling ‘doubles’ offers the choice to add or multiply the numbers…that’s different and sounds like fun.
Actually, every roll gives you that ability! Doubles gives you 4 copies of a number to work with, instead of 2! 🙂
Actually, you can add, subtract, multiply or divide on any roll! Doubles just give you 4 of a number to work with!
This sounds and looks like alot of fun and very engaging. Thank you for sharing 🙂
I have never played Chutes and Ladders. As a child, I was familiar with Monopoly, Scrabble, and Pictionary. My favorite game of all is Chess, because of the strategy behind it, like you said. Strategy and decision making are great tools to encourage critical thinking and problem solving, which are essential life skills.
Sounds like a fun family game and a great learning tool. Thanks for sharing
So many games were my favorites growing up, chutes and ladders and trouble are ones I can think of. I never learned how to play chess!
Great post.
[…] for my followers. Kids needs to memorize less if they get how numbers work. Engaged Family Gaming reviewed Prime Climb. But this video review by Endo is my favorite. He gets Prime […]