Guitar Hero Live Hands-On Impressions!

Activision held an event at the Best Buy Theater in NYC today to give a small group of reporters a first hand look at Guitar Hero Live and Engaged Family Gaming was lucky enough to get an invite! I represented EFG at the event and got a LOT of hands on time with the game. There were […]

Activision Announces That Guitar Hero is A-Live and Kicking!

Anyone who has ever dreamt of rocking out on stage in front of thousands of fans should definitely take note. If you have then this fall is going to give you the chance to “unlock that fantasy” and feel like a rock star with the newly announced Guitar Hero Live. Activision is the publishing giant […]

Skylanders Minis Have Been Announced!!

Activision is really going crazy with the news recently! They have already announced a tablet version of their upcoming game Skylanders Trap Team. This time around we have an announcement for a new line of figures. Activision’s One of Swords PR account has announced the Skylanders Minis line. Players who have been around the block […]

Skylanders: Trap Team Announced!

A new Skylanders game will soon be upon us! Skylanders: Trap Team will release on October 5th for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, WiiU, Wii, and 3DS. Skylanders is a billion dollar franchise so a new entry will be coming every year for the foreseeable future. Each new title so far has […]

Gran Turismo 6 Review

By: Stephen Duetzmann Polyphony Digital ESRB Rating: E for Everyone December 6th, 2013 Available for PS3 (exclusive) Overall Review: Every family has a “thing.” Some families go camping. Some watch sports. Other families may enjoy reading. If your family enjoys talking about, watching, or driving cars then this game is just about perfect for you. […]

Grand Theft Auto V Review

logo for Grand Theft Auto Five

Reviewed on PlayStation 3 – Also Available for Xbox 360 Editor’s Note: Since the release of the game, I have been approached by numerous concerned parents about Grand Theft Auto V (GTA5). To address their concerns, I assigned one of my writers to play and review the game, allowing parents to make informed decisions. Overall […]

Turbo: Super Stunt Squad Review

D3 Publisher of AmericaRated E for EveryoneReleased 07/15/2013 Review based on PS3 version (Available for Xbox 360, WiiU, 3DS, Wii, DS) Overall Review: Games based on kid’s movies get a bad rap. They are never given the time in development to really grow and flourish into something original. As a result, most developers just pick […]

5 Things I learned from the Grand Theft Auto V Trailer

The following are 5 things that I learned from a parents perspective about Grand Theft Auto 5 just by watching the game play trailer. #1: It is still GTA The Grand Theft Auto franchise has moved beyond its role as a simple crime simulator. Instead, we are treated with an expansive world to explore and […]

Guacamelee Review

Every once in a while a game comes around that takes an ages-old formula and turns it on its head. Drinkbox studio’s most recent downloadable game, Guacamelee, does just that. Game historians will argue about the specific origin of the genre, but the idea of a game where players explore a 2-dimensional maze that forces […]

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