To Whom it may concern,
The world needs a new cartoon or video game based on the 1992-93 animated series King Arthur and the Knights of Justice. I know. That seems kind of a shallow request considering the world is caught in the grips of a global pandemic. But, hear me out – This would provide optimistic heroism paired with the perfect amount of absurd humor.
For those of you who need a history lesson, King Arthur and the Knights of Justice is a cartoon that aired in 1992 and 1993. It had only 2 seasons with 13 episodes each. It was also very, very dumb. Camelot is in danger because the evil sorceress Morgana has imprisoned King Arthur and his knights in a Cave of Glass. Merlin cannot free them so he seeks out heroes on a battlefield of the future. His weird spell, somehow, finds a college football team called the Knights and their dashing quarterback Arthur King. The team is brought back in time, given magic suits of armor, and start fighting evil and crime.
Yes. I know that sounds impossibly dumb. But, hear me out.
Point 1 – A Framework to Hang a Story
The Arthurian legend is a classic. The story is simple. The heroes, villains, conflicts and themes can be easily boiled down to their simplest forms. That leaves all sorts of room for different window dressings. The idea of the Knights of the Round table being magical Avengers seems like a pretty great place to start. The idea of bringing a modern day football team back in time to be those super heroes is just enough Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court for me.
Point 2 – The Theme Song is a Masterpiece
I present to you the King Arthur and the Knights of Justice theme song. Tell me that this isn’t amazing.
Point 3 – There Was Already Video Game
Enix released a video game based on the property back in 1995 for the SNES. It served as a finale for the show because completing the game finally let the gang go home.
You can take a look at a walkthrough of the game below. It was standard top down action RPG nonsense back then, but it would be perfect for a cool third-person action RPG now. The characters all have interesting abilities, their armor looks cool, and the enemy designs are fun.
Come on y’all! Let’s make this happen!
What do you think? Sound off in the comments and let us know your thoughts! (I call Trunk though.)
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